Year: 2022

Where: Valdivia, Chile.


This assignment was very attractive to us for the obvious reason that we love coffee and this time we had to renovate one. The place is into a shopping mall and the space and rules were limitated.

The client @amigosdelcafevaldivia contacted us with the idea of ​​expanding his premises in order to accommodate more users in a more comfortable way and so that everyone can enjoy the exquisite Panamanian coffee he offers.

Origin and belonging is what tells the story in this initiative.

The aim is to create a welcoming atmosphere with a large cypress wood counter, along with warm textures and soft lighting. New leafy vegetation such as native ferns from the Valdivian jungle, which will contribute to creating a fresh and harmonious atmosphere.

Thus, achieving a small corner conducive to sharing and enjoying a good coffee.

This is the result of the search for materials and textures that were decided to partially maintain what exists, as the client requested, and to be able to give a new energy to the place and expand a little bit the abitable area to give more air to the sitting place.

With little changes we could give a new vibe to the place.